

The term personality has been derived from the Latin word persona which means a mask. It was used by actors to hide and to act without being noticed by the audience.

Layman’s View: Layman looks at personality from the point of view of the dress, manners facial expressions, etc, this is not true, however.

Philosophical view: Personality is an ideal of perfection. It is self-realization.

Bio-Physical View: Personality is what a man is within himself and external behavior provides a clue to what is within the individual.

Psychological View: Personality is all that a person is. It is the sum total of physical mental emotional social and temperamental make-up of the individual.

Sociological View: It is social effectiveness. It is the integration of all traits which determine the role and status of the Individual in Society.

Psycho-analytical View: Freud is of the view that personality has three main constituents.

ID: It is immoral, illogical, and unconscious self It is sum total of natural and general tendencies that cannot be satisfied in society.

Ego: It is a social self, it is a sum total of consciousness, will power, intelligence, and reasoning, it has relationships both id and super-ego.

Super-ego: It is a moral self, It is higher and ideal part of the personality. Its functions are to warm the ego about its defects and wrong actions.

For a balanced personality, there should be balance between Id ego and Super-ego.

Guilford: “It is an individual’s unique pattern of trains and he stresses the integration traits.”