Popular Study

Popular Study

1. The study of plants Botany
2.The study of elements Chemistry
3.The study of natural laws Physics
4.The study of animal life Zoology
5.The study of land surface Geography
6.The study of the production and distribution of wealth Economics
7.The study of the past History
8.The study of political affairs Political Science
9.The study of human destiny through movements of stars. Astrology
10.The study of the origin and history of the universe. Cosmology
11.The study of crime and criminals. Criminology
12.The study of the future. Futurology
13.The study of the physical history of the earth. Geology
14.The study of water. Hydrology
15.The study of health and its preservation. Hygiene
16.The study of weight and measures. Metrology
17.The study of radioactivity and x-rays. Radiology
18.The study of viruses. Virology
19.The study of microbes(Bacteria and Fungi). Microbiology
20.The study of various poisons. Toxicology