Space: Space means the immeasurable expense of the universe beyond the atmosphere.

Telescope: A telescope is a tube-like instrument fixed on a contains lenses to view objects that are far away.

Stars: Stars are large balls of burning gases in the space that we see as points of light in the sky at night. They are luminous bodies like our sun. some of them are bigger than the sun in size. They emit heat and light like the sun. Being at a great distance from us, their heat is lost and light appears to be dim. All the stars move but they only appear to be stationary.

Planets: A planet is a large round body revealing around the sun and receives light from it, our earth is also a planet.

Milkyway: The milky way is a band of countless stars in the space which are not separately visible. Their faint light appears like a band or a path across the sky and that is called milky way in English and Akash Ganga in Hindi.

Constellation: Constellation is a cluster or a group of stars. such groups of stars appear to form the same patterns which differ from each other.people have given them different names and have coined many interesting stories about such constellations.

Satellite: A satellite is a smaller planet moving around a planet. The moon is a satellite of the earth. Many countries of the world including India have sent many artificial satellites into space as a part communication system.